
Thursday 4 April 2013


What are the best food business ideas to start this year? I am interested in the food industry, Which business do I start? What opportunities exist in the food industry? If you want answers to the questions above, then read on.

If there is an industry that is unlikely to do down, it is probably the food
industry. Regardless of the economic situation, weather or whatsoever,
people must eat. People might stop buying clothes and jewelries but they
will never stop eating. Also, this is a business you can start in any
locality or region; whether Nigeria, Canada, U.K. Ghana, India, Singapore,
etc. So if you are interested in starting a food business, below are some of
food business ideas to help you start or expand your existing food business.

1. Become a food producer
The food industry is highly dependent on the producers. To make hamburgers,
fast-food chains need meat and flour; which in turn are produced by the
farmers. To offer vegetable salads, resturants lettuces and
dont cooking skills and extensive business plan to become a farmer. If you
can grow crops or raise animals like cow, snails, grasscutters, rabbits,
pigs, turkeys or chickens, you will surely find buyers both locally and
internationally. You can also establish large scale plantations such as palm
oil plantation, platain, orange, pineaple, etc.

2. Food Cart or Stand
selling food is probably one of the problems for people who want tto start a
food business. The reason is because most people don't have the needed
capital to invest in resturants or fast food joints. If you really want to
sell ready to eat foods, you don't need a space with a high monthly rent.
One of the top food business ideas for those with small capital is to use a
food cart or stand. You can operate for free or for a small fee. The success
or failure of this business depends on your location. You don't even need to
push the cart around, you can just concentrate on cooking and emply people
to push the cart and sell the food.

3. Food Retailing.
You can also ratail raw food or processed food stuffs. I mean food stuff
such as yam, rice, beans, flour, maize, etc. Your aim here is to source for
the food stuffs at a wholesale price and resell for a profit. You can even
take it a step further or sourcing it from the producers or farmers and
resell it both wholesale and retail.

4. Frozen Foods
Not everybody likes going through the stress of killing and preparing
animals for consumption; thereby creating the need for ready-made frozen
foods. There are a lots of foods that you can sell frozen. There include
chicken, meat, ice creams, yoghurt, etc.

5. Food Processing
Do you have the capital to invest in machines and structures? Then you can
start a food processing plant. In fact, there is no limit to the food to the
foods that can be processed and packaged. It is up to you to decide. You can
process palm seeds into palm oils, cassava, yam, corn, millet into flours,
cocoa into beverages, raw cow milk into refined milk, fresh tomatoes into
canned tomatoes, etc.

6. Restaurant
If you posses cooking skills, you can start a resturant and serve those who
eat out. You can start this business on a small, medium or large scale. You
can also choose to serve local or international dishes.

7. Fast Food
Setting up a fast food shop is another profitable idea to look into. Despite
the popularity and dominance of companies already in it, you can still
breakeven if you will be willing to find a small niche and serve it. In
Africa, the market is still very much untapped.

8. Roving Food Van
If you don't want your food business to be stationery, you can use a vehicle
such as a van to go around the city offering your food products. It is more
expensive than a food cart but you can reach more people and you wouldn't
have to rely on passerby.

9. Organic Foods
This list of top food business ideas would never be complete without the
inclusion of organic foods. Over the years, organic foods have been sought
after because of their health benefits and as health awareness increases,
this business is bound to grow. Ideally, organic foods are free from
chemicals, fertilizers or preservatives. You can brand yourself as a
provider or retailer of fresh organic foods or better still, you can just
serve vegetarians.

10. Weight Loss Dietary Foods
Aside from organic foods, there is also a craze involving foods that help
people lose weight or at least don't make them fat. If you can specialize
and come up with foods that have weight loss effect, you can easily find

  • Cake Decorating
This is much like the previous idea but this one suggests that you be
creative in designing the food itself. These days, baking cake alone no
longer holds water; customers want to see creativity. Most people are used
to decorating cake for special occasions such as weddings and birthdays but
many enthusiasts proved that cake decorating can be done on regular days.
You can also take cake decorating for special occasions to the next level.
Veer away from the traditional decorations.

  • Baking or Cooking Lessons
Food business ideas don't have to be only on processing and selling foods.
If you are good at baking or cooking, you don't have to focus on merely
selling foods. You can sell your knowledge for money. You can even set up a
catering school. However, you need to demonstrate outstanding skills to gain
  • If you find this tips encouraging on how you can start a food business give your comment

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