
Wednesday 3 April 2013


Sales is one of the most important aspects of business and the reason is because without sales, there will be no revenue and profit. Now it is a well established fact that the customers are the deciding factor when it comes to sales and in today's world, where the marketplace is crowded with variety of similar products; having a great product is not enough anymore. You must know or learn hoe to sell. Now how do you sell a product to a customer? How do you convince a customer to buy from you in less than five minutes? Well, you are going to find out in this article.

"The ability to sell is the number one skill in business. If you cannot sell, don't bother thinking about becoming a business owner." Rich Dad

you may have an excellent product but if you do not know how to market it to people, you will have difficulty in generating sales. Now selling is a process that requires preparation, you also need analytic  and marketing skill to keep your product noticed. Although selling techniques to be employed may vary along with your target market, some selling principles and basics remain the same regardless of different factors. So whether you are running a retail store, a wholesale shop or you are selling services or products online, here are some sales tips on that can help push your products out faster:

How to sell a product to a customer in Less Than 5 Minutes
Know your Product by heart
Nothing is more appalling to customer than a seller who does not know what he is selling. As a professional salesman or an entrepreneur, you have to be ready to answer your customers' questions regarding your product. To sell your products faster you must know the basic things about your products like its functions, where it is manufactured, its specifications, strengths and weaknesses, results to be expected from using the product, etc. In fact, you must know the A-Z of your products like the back of your hand because sometimes, selling involves teaching and educating customers.

Convert your product features into benefits
knowing your product's key features is not enough if you really want to sell your products fast. Why? The reason is because customers don't care about the features or specifications of your product; rather, they are interested in what your product can do for them. So you can take this as an advantage by using the key features of your product to communicate to your customer how this product is going to be beneficial to him. Don't tell the customer about your product features, tell him about what he can get out of your product, or how a certain function of the product is good for him. Amplify the benefits of your product and you will sell it faster.

Get to know your potential buyers
How well do you know your existing customers? What do you know about your potential customers? What are the demographics of your potential customers? Where do they shop? Why do they buy? What do they buy? What is their level of income? What is the ultimate benefit they are looking for in a product?
To sell faster than your competitors, you need to answer all the questions asked above. And to answer these questions, you need to do some research regarding your target market and have an idea about what they are looking for in a product similar to the one you are selling. Also learn what group, age bracket and socio economic status of your prospective customers to strategize more. Arming yourself with this information will reveal your customer's soft spot, give you an edge over your competitors and enable sell your products fast.

Advertise your product
Selling your products faster can be made easier with proper advertisement. When you advertise your product, customers will easily have a basic knowledge on what it is you are trying to sell. So instead of introducing your product, you can just concentrate on answering your customer's questions and clearing his/her doubt. Advertising your products will also enable you to reach out to potential buyers who know little or nothing about how good your product is. Getting a customer to be interested or curious is important so that he will pay your establishment a visit.

How to sell a product to a customer in Less Than 5 Minutes
Be straightforward and be honest
Never make representations about your product which is untrue. Do not exaggerate on its benefits or features  because it can only get you into trouble. to sell your products and also recurring sale,  you have to be genuine and trustworthy. Customers are getting smarter; they are learning to read beyond the lips of salespeople and they are getting bored of media hype. People do not like it when they are tricked into purchasing an item which fails to meet their expectations

Be enthusiastic
Enthusiasm can make a big difference especially in the game of selling. To be good at selling, you have to love selling. You must love interacting with people and above all, you must be happy to help people understand your products or company better. You have to love promoting and selling your product because this will reflect on how you deal with customers. Give the customer some space yet let him know that you are there to help him with his queries.

Make your product stand out
Now if you are just a salesperson, there is really not much you can do in this area but if you are a business owner or retailer, then there's much you can do. To Sell more products is less time, you must separate your products from the rest of the pack. What distinguishes your products from those of your competitors? Does your product stand out in the Marketplace? These are questions you must answer.
To separate yourself from the crowd, you need to tell your customer why your product is better than the others available in the market. Talk about added benefits, unusual characteristics, and why they can get the best out of their money's worth if they buy your product. you can stand out by giving your product a unique packaging, brand your products, offering a specific promise, positioning your products strategically especially in trade shows or events, etc.

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